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What is the Difference Between Technical and Scientific Translation?

Within language services, technical and scientific translation have different functions. The main goal of technical translation is to translate specialised material—like manuals or instructions—into a language that a particular audience…

Practical Tips

What is a Language Service Provider (LSP)?

In most cases, people confuse themselves with the terms translation company, language service provider, localization company, and translation company. While localization is part of the translation process, other mentioned terms mean one…

Practical Tips

Legal Impact of a Translation

Producing correct translations in business is of crucial importance. Whilst poor translations may be abstractly amusing, little errors can have an unexpectedly huge impact when it comes to corporate safety…

Practical Tips

What Is Transcreation?

Most of us are very familiar with the process of translation, which is the rendering of a given text from one language into another. But not many have heard of…

Practical Tips

Most Difficult Languages – How Brands Maintain Multilingual Online Presence?

The most important feature for international brands to succeed is their multilingual approach towards branding and marketing. If you want to expand your target market and reach a much wider…

Practical Tips

How Software Localization Can Improve Translation

If you are a professional translator you may have heard of software localization. Even if you haven’t, there are many businesses that engage with international audiences who use software localization…

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