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Legal translation services

We are here to provide you top quality

  • Litigation documents
  • Depositions/witness statement
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Birth Certificates
  • Financial Documents
  • Confidentiality agreements & more…

+900 companies worldwide trust us with their content localization needs

+2 100 000 words translated each month

+110 language pairs

Rates from 0,07 € per word

Eliminating the Language Gap from the Office to the Courtroom and other Legal Settings...

Legal departments and law firms are fully aware that language choices have a significant role in making or breaking cases. A single mistake or subtle change can result in lawsuits or risks for the career, no matter what part of the world you belong to or which language you speak.

Circle Translations has native-level expertise in 120+ languages. Whether you need assistance in litigation or contract preparation, taking depositions or interpreting testimony, reviewing document production, or performing paralegal research, we offer certified legal translation for every purpose!

Experienced Legal Translators Handling High Stakes Legal Requirements

As the world is becoming a global village, there is more need for law firms in new markets. This results in the need for high-volume translation services and dozens of translators coordinating between firms. Then the pressure of accurate legal documents creates even more chaos; in such a situation, you need a service provider like Circle Translations. Our network of professional linguistic experts has the legal background and experience to handle legal translation requirements. We will take care of everything in an organized manner.

Our professionals know that legal concepts, terminologies, and the structure of contracts vary from language to language. A simple direct translation is not the solution for legal documents; it can be vague, useless, or meaningless. Hiring us will ensure that such issues don’t arise in your law firm or legal department!

Legal Document Translation Services

Certified Legal Translation Services

Oftentimes law requires you to provide a certified translation, and this is where Circle Translations comes in! We take such legal requirements and obligations quite seriously and offer accurate translation and interpretation services. Our legal translators are well-versed in regulatory requirements for certification and different legal disciplines. They ensure that every single requirement and criterion is fulfilled appropriately.


As the businesses are increasing their operations internationally, the need for law firms is increasing too. If a law firm is based in one country, their legal context, legal matters, legal proceedings, legal rulings, terminologies, and theories will be entirely different from where they are trying to expand. This is where we help you with our localization services.

Proofreading & Editing

The ideal way to ensure accuracy is always to have two sets of eyes reviewing the final work. It becomes even important in legal matters because even the subtlest mistake can result in a major problem for your firm or department. Our translation agency proofreads and corrects legal documents whether they are ours, yours, or any other third-party’s.

Our work isn’t done after translating your documents. Along with the legal translation, we also provide proofreading and editing services so that not a single mistake goes unattended. Our staff has attention to detail and legal expertise for different countries and languages. They make sure to go through each piece thoroughly and make corrections.

Why Choose Circle Translations for Legal Interpretation Services?


We have been in this industry long enough to understand how legal departments work in different regions. Our experience of catering to 670+ companies helps us offer unmatched performance to our clients. There are fewer chances of errors in our work because all our staff is professional and provide you with high-quality work.


Legal documents have sensitive information, when got into the wrong hands, can create a lot of trouble. Our professionalism prevents us from making any such mistake. We keep confidentiality as our priority and ensure that your information is safe with us. From linguists to other professionals, all our staff maintains confidentiality while offering you services. Therefore, you can trust us with confidence with any type of document. We are best known for building and maintaining trust with our clients.


In the legal and law sector, people usually charge a lot for even a small service like a xerox. But we do not burden our clients. We charge the minimum possible amount by not compromising the quality of the services we offer.

We recommend you visit us at least once for any legal translation or localization service, and know the difference yourself!


Quick Turnaround

Time is of the essence in legal matters. You need someone who can offer translated documents within the time frame. It’s best not to take risks in such cases, and we deliver your project within time. While delivering your translated documents promptly, we don’t compromise on high-quality whatsoever.

24/7 Human Support

At Circle Translations, you will get 24/7 support from our customer care team. We understand that legal documents are time-sensitive, and you can need our assistance at any tie of the day. Therefore, our representatives will be in touch with you whenever you require.

So now you know who to reach out to when you feel any trouble in understanding a legal document in a foreign language. Circle Translation is your best partner for legal translations.

Video Remote Monitoring

There are no geographical limitations to our corporate translating services. No matter where you are, you can use our professional translation services without any hassles. We also offer online support to our customers to reach us anytime, any day.

Multiple Languages

If you want your legal documents translated in your native language with the same meaning, or you want to translate them from one language to another, we can help you. We have experts from all over the world, having the knowledge of multiple languages. No matter what your native language is, the chances are you will find an expert of your native speaker who will understand your requirements like no one.

Additional Services

Circle Translations understands that our legal clients need more than just legal translation services. Therefore, we are always at the disposal to provide top-quality proofreading, editing, high-quality localization, and legal implications services. We also work on legal translation degrees and legal texts at reasonable prices.

The legal industry has many complex matters which need to be done in an appropriate manner. Our native speakers can cater to different law firms from all over the world whether they need to translate their own documents or some other firms; we offer services for all your legal translation needs. Contact us now!

Our Services

Attention to Detail and Accuracy is at the Core of our Legal Services

Legal Interpretation

Law firms and departments take depositions or testimonies in one language and often need to provide them in a different language. Circle Translations has expert linguists who offer simultaneous interpretation according to your requirements and preferences in over 120 languages.

We strive to offer continuously high-quality translated material for all your legal engagements. Our team follows well-established processes by communicating clearly to deliver projects on time and meet our client’s expectations.

Legal Implications

Along with legal interpretation, we also work in legal implications. Our team of expert linguistics flawlessly delivers appropriate content related to legal implications according to your specialized solutions. We translate concepts correctly pertaining to any legal matter and provide certified translations accepted by the law orders and law enforcing agencies.

Legal Document Translation Services

When it comes to legal documents, they must be translated accurately and precisely to convey the right meaning in other languages. This requires senior and expert legal translators that we have! We offer document translation according to your instructions and in compliance with relevant law.

Certified Legal Translation Services

Oftentimes law requires you to provide a certified translation, and this is where Circle Translations comes in! We take such legal requirements and obligations quite seriously and offer accurate translation and interpretation services. Our legal translators are well-versed in regulatory requirements for certification and different legal disciplines. They ensure that every single requirement and criterion is fulfilled appropriately.


As the businesses are increasing their operations internationally, the need for law firms is increasing too. If a law firm is based in one country, their legal context, legal matters, legal proceedings, legal rulings, terminologies, and theories will be entirely different from where they are trying to expand. This is where we help you with our localization services.

If your legal firm has offices in different countries and regions, it is essential that each office understands the local language and standards. Circle Translations is the expert in offering Localization strategies and services for multinational firms in every industry. Our expert translators ensure that your documents are in compliance with the local standards and cultures of languages, no matter which region or nation.

We offer services for following Legal Document Types

  • Litigation documents
  • Legal certificates
  • Letters of credit
  • Arbitration
  • Affidavits
  • Government reports
  • Trademark and patent translation
  • Legal disclaimers
  • License
  • Immigration document
  • Depositions/witness statement
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Birth Certificates
  • Financial Documents
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Confidentiality agreements
  • Legal Contract
  • Correspondence


Circle Translations is one of the leading localisation agencies in Baltic states offering different services

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*Only Available Through Contacting Sales

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Circle Translations is one of the leading localization agencies in Baltic states offering different services

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    Here are some of the circle translations frequently asked question

    What are legal translation services?

    Legal translations are the official translation of an original document into a different language. In addition to the usual rules followed in regular translations, legal translation is a much more sensitive process because it involves the use of legal terms that might not be familiar or that may not be easily modified.

    What are the common types of documents that require legal translation?

    Technically, the translation of any kind of document that will be used for legal purposes is considered a legal translation. As such, the most popular documents that have an urgent request for legal translation are medical records, business transactions, contracts, financial books, marketing material, and corporate literature.

    Why is legal translation important?

    Different legal systems around the world use a lot of different languages. In cases where a legal document needs to be presented in a foreign country, it might not be valid unless it is in the local language. Legal translation professionals can take care of this by making accurate translations of the original document, making sure that all the legal terminology retains its original meaning.

    What are the difficulties faced in legal translation?

    Legal translation is already very tricky in itself, but it becomes even more difficult because the law can vary across countries. Some local legal terms might not be familiar, and the slightest error in punctuation and syntax can create totally different meanings. Plus, there are usually strict deadlines in legal translation.

    Why should you invest in a top quality legal translation company?

    An inaccurate translation of certain documents can have serious legal consequences. You might get sued or be charged with hefty penalties, or some more serious outcome. It is therefore very important to choose only a translation company that can give the highest quality word for word translation.