When a business expands its market to a global scale, it usually innovates products fit for the local target market. While this can be very ideal for the company, other aspects of the business also need updating. One of which is translating content so other international markets can understand them.
The translation process involves different parts, including managing translators, tracking the progress of each project, automating workflows, and responding to inquiries and questions from translators. Overseeing the process and monitoring the elements can be a handful to manage. Hence one needs to have specific sets of linguistic quality KPIs to measure the outcome of the translations accurately.
Professional and Accurate Subtitle Services for your Videos.
- Video subtitles specifically tailor-made for improving accessibility.
- Using highly experienced subtitlers with years of industry experience.
- Professionally written and expertly timed.
We help the world’s top companies translate their content in over 73 languages!
- We localize content for internet websites, games, travel, cryptocurrencies, and more
- Expand your global audience by adding different languages.
- We work only with qualified translators and experienced content creators
Audio translation
Ensuring full accessibility for Blind and visual impaired audiences.
- Visual descriptive events as they occur in the video.
- Working with top audio describers to perfectly describe what is happening on-screen
- Professional sound recording.