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    What is Transcreation and Why Do You Need It?


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    Most of us are very familiar with the process of translation, which is the rendering of a given text from one language into another. But not many have heard of the term transcreation.

    What is transcreation, anyway? Some people mistake it for translation, but it is not the same. Translation is important, but transcreation is even more important, as you will find out in this blog post.

    If you own a business and hope to expand to a broader market, you might want to start familiarizing yourself with this concept. According to business and social media experts, incorporating this process into your operations can boost creativity, and ultimately the overall performance of any business.

    What is transcreation?

    Transcreation is when you take content written in a particular language, then adapt it into another language using a similar style and tone and maintaining the same purpose.

    It is easy to mistake it for creative translation as there is a rather thin line between them. However, transcreation comes with a much greater creative license. You can actually change the original content entirely as long as you stick to the same concept and deliver the same message as the original.

    In many ways, transcreation is like translation with a very high level of localization. It is much more than just changing the words of the original into the target language. Most translators will change a few words or even an entire sentence in a text so it makes sense to the target reader or audience. However, a transcreator will review the entire text holistically before translating it.

    This ensures that the new audience can relate to the translated content just like it was specifically written for them. It can use local references and cultural knowledge to elicit a better response from the reader. During the process of translation, the transcreator may reword some or large parts of the content to make it more appropriate.

    In summary, transcreation can be defined as the process of converting content or piece of information from one language to another using the same style and intent so as to elicit the same response as intended.

    Transcreation is a very important component in the translation business, and in fact, most translators engage in transcreation to a certain degree. Transcreation is essential because an original text that appeals to a particular audience may not appeal to a different audience.

    Furthermore, some people may consider certain words, sentences, or approaches offensive. This is because certain words evoke different emotions in different people, and people are influenced by their cultures. This is why it is important to engage expert translators who are also skilled transcreators.

    Today, transcreation is widely used in mobile apps, video games, and modern global marketing. As businesses begin to expand into newer regions, the need to understand new audiences and properly communicate with them is vital.

    Transcreation vs. Translation: What is the Difference?

    The main difference between the two is the message and tone. They are similar in that they both involve converting text from one language to another. However, transcreation will not only change words but may also include tampering with the concept behind the content. With transcreation, you can inject new knowledge and creativity into the content to affirm or change the idea of an original text.

    The best kinds of transcreation services combine impeccable translation skills with unparalleled localization strategies. They are provided by linguistic experts that are fluent in the source and target languages, have a high level of creativity, and can write engaging and relevant copy that can translate into positive results, helping the client achieve their objectives.

    If you are still confused and wondering what transcreation is, there’s no need to worry because our highly competent team here at Circle Translations will be pleased to handle everything for you. Just give us a holler and learn more about how we can help you with your transcreation needs and grow your business.

    Transcreation is done by copywriters

    Although some translators are also copywriters, not all of them are. Most of them have a high fluency level in both the original and the target languages. However, they do not necessarily have the creativity and flair that is needed in order to produce an excellent transcreation.

    Transcreators, in contrast, are specialist writers first before anything else. They are not only skilled at translating words from one language to another, but they are also skilled writers who can develop original text from scratch. And translators who offer copywriting services will be very good with transcreation.

    So rather than provide them with a text in need of translation all the time, you can give them the message and concept you want to communicate, and they will create suitable content for you.

    Transcreation is based on a brief

    Translations are always based on an original text, which can only be changed into a different language. Transcreations, on the other hand, might also be based on an original text, but they are also based on a brief that contains more precise instructions for what the client hopes to achieve with the output. The brief might include creative ideas that the provider can work from in forming the new content.

    In some instances, transcreation may start from a detailed brief alone, without the need for an original text. This may even make the final text more effective and feel more authentic.

    Transcreation is usually more expensive

    With the higher requirements in terms of skill and creativity, it only makes sense that a transcreation usually costs more than a regular translation. In general, translation companies charge per translated word. With transcreation, on the other hand, the billing is done per hour or per project, and the overall cost is usually higher.

    Your brand’s message, vision, and long-term business goals will be captured in every single copy they produce for you. Producing video production content may cost you more since they will have to develop even more creative themes and concepts.

    Transcreation can deliver a new message.

    One of the strict requirements of translation is that it should relay the same message as the original. With transcreation, the goal is not to simply duplicate the original text in another language but to relay the same message in a relevant and enticing way to the new audience. Localization is crucial in transcreation, which often means modifying the original message but maintaining the same intent.

    This means that when the transcreation process is completed, the message may feel completely different from the source text. Still, it will also be much more effective in eliciting the desired reaction in the target audience.

    “Hiring a translator for transcreation is more expensive than conventional translation services. The message will be delivered as intended but in a much refined and strategic form so that it will have the desired impact.”

    Transcreation is mainly used for marketing.

    Translation is the appropriate choice for technical documents and content that is meant to give information. If the text is for marketing and other similar purposes, transcreation is usually the more appropriate choice.

    Most brands only use transcreation for marketing since they cater to a large audience. So you may not require it for conventional one on one conversations. Providers of this service do a lot of thinking and planning before they release the campaign.

    They will also go the extra mile to provide advisory services on marketing approaches that will trigger positive responses since they understand the target audience more than you do.

    Brands widely utilize transcreation to market their products to targeted prospects in international markets.

    At Circle Translation, we pride ourselves on being one of the best in the business. We have talented experts who can create original texts and campaigns for your business. Our platform is reliable and dependable, so contact us for all your transcreation needs today.

    Transcreation can create new content

    Much more than an ordinary translation, transcreation usually involves the creation of new content that is specifically tailored to the new audience in the target language. As such, transcreation providers also have the ability to advise clients on how they can improve the creative element of their product or service, and the business as a whole.

    Examples of Transcreation (Good and Bad)

    Here are some examples of effective transcreation.

    • German gummy bears brand Haribo uses the following slogan for the home market: “Haribo macht Kinder froh, und Erwachsene ebenso,” meaning “Haribo makes children happy, and adults too.” However, when creating an Italian slogan, the brand went for “Haribo è la bontà che si gusta ad ogni età“, which means “Haribo is the delicious treat to be enjoyed at any age.” Not only does this slogan sounds extremely catchy, but it rhymes perfectly in Italy, and you’ll find very few people in Italy who haven’t memorized it.
    • As you will probably know, Intel’s popular sponsor in the US is “Intel: Sponsors of Tomorrow.” However, when the computer chip manufacturer realized that a literal translation was not as effective in the Brazilian market, it came up with a different one, which in English would translate as “Intel: In Love with the Future.” Thanks to its transcreation experts, Intel managed to convey equally effective messaging in a foreign market, even though it changed the wording entirely.

    However, when transcreation is not carried on properly, the final results may be disappointing or even counterproductive. Here are some examples.

    • When it came to entering the Chinese market, the popular fast food joint KFC tried to convert its famous slogan (“Finger-Lickin’ Good“) into Mandarin. Unfortunately, the message that the Chinese audience got was “Eat Your Fingers Off,” which definitely didn’t have the desired effect.
    • Sometimes, transcreation mistakes can be so severe that a business gets even the name of a product wrong. This was the case of car manufacturer Mitsubishi, which introduced its Pajero model to the Spanish market without realizing that this word means “tosser” for Spanish people. Eventually, Mitsubishi changed the product’s name to Monteiro, but not after its initial mistake cost them dearly on a financial level.

    The last two examples show the importance of having a competent transcreation team taking care of this process. Not doing so may create significant problems for your business when it comes to entering a new foreign market.

    Why Is Transcreation Important in Global Marketing?

    Transcreation can be a precious marketing tool for your business, especially if you want to reach global customers.

    Transcreation does not limit you to what is written in the original text. It makes you sound natural and authentic. It allows you to be relevant in foreign cultures and communities. To the people who see your content, it will be as though your content is specifically talking to them, and is not just an extension of your original marketing campaign.

    Translation can make more people understand your content, but transcreation can reach out to them and entice them to become more interested in what you offer. This is because of the element of creativity involved.

    What Does The Transcreation Process look like?

    The first step consists of hiring the right team for the transcreation work. This typically means using native speakers with a good knowledge of the original language, solid copywriting skills, and deep knowledge of the target country’s culture.

    The second step is thoroughly understanding the content and the message it needs to deliver. This goes beyond literal comprehension. Transcreators must grasp the essence of the source material and identify which elements can be adapted successfully to a new cultural context.

    The third step is the creation of a detailed brief, which must specify the creative direction and the elements that should not be changed. Without this document, transcreation experts would not know what to create.

    The fourth step is about the actual writing of the content. While performing this activity, transcreators must combine their skills and knowledge with a good grasp of what the clients need and what goals the new content must reach in the target audience.

    The fifth and final test consists of testing the new content on a relevant sample of members of the target audience. This will give the team an idea of how the content will be received in the new country as well as helpful feedback for improvement.

    A Few Final Words

    Transcreation is a great way to make your content more accessible and attractive to foreign audiences. It requires, however, an experienced team with the right skills and cultural background. Taking the wrong steps in this process can be costly, so it’s crucial to get in touch with competent transcreation experts like those at Circle Translation.

    With a well-executed transcreation process, you can be sure that you will reach the right people in the right way and make your content stand out in foreign markets.


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    Marija Osina

    Paysera LT

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